Czech English Germany Spanish 25. Jan 2025
Technical inspection in the field of:

 Coordinator of Work Safety and Health Protection at Work (BOZP) on the building site

  Along with Law 309/2006 Coll which regulates the other requirements for the safety and protection of health at work – BOZP in the labour- legal relationships, another qualified  person was established, specifically a  coordinator of BOZP (safety and protection of health at work on building sites). The activity and duties are covered by the second and the third part of the mentioned law. The principals of the constructions which, with their extent satisfy the conditions for providing a coordinator of BOZP, are subject to other duties. The company INSPEKT-SERVIS, s.r.o. offers the service of professionally qualified coordinators of BOZP on the building site both for the preparatory phases of projects and the execution of the construction itself  
 Activities of coordinator of  BOZP - preparatory phase of the construction
The coordinator of BOZP shall prepare  the Plan of Work Safety at the building site  in the written  and graphic form if so required by the extent of the construction and occurrence of the works performed exposing the workers to increased endangering of life or health
The coordinator of BOZP shall prepare a summary of legal regulations and information on labour-safety risks related to the construction
The coordinator of BOZP shall arrange a notification of the commencement of civil works at the building site to the appropriate regional Inspectorate of Work
The coordinator of  BOZP shall assist on choosing contractors on the basis of the assessment of the level of securing the safety and protection of health at work – BOZP and fire protection – PO (požární ochrana)  on the individual working procedures of the contractors.
 Activities of the coordinator of BOZP – the stage of the execution of the construction
The coordinator of BOZP shall coordinate the cooperation of the contractors on taking measures for securing the  safety and protection of health at work with respect to the nature of the construction and to the principles of the risks and activities performed at the building site at a time
The coordinator of BOZP shall cooperate on preparing a time schedule of the individual works, on determining the time necessary for the safe performance of the individual activities
The coordinator of  BOZP shall monitor the performance of the individual activities at the building site with respect to compliance of the requirements of the safety and protection of health at work, draw attention to nonconformities identified, and require taking corrective actions without undue delay
The coordinator of BOZP shall organize site meetings for compliance with the Plan of BOZP with the attendance of the contractors, shall keep records of the site meetings on nonconformities identified  in the safety and protection of health at work at the building site and proposals of the measures aimed at the correction of the nonconformities
The coordinator of BOZP shall inform all involved contractors on the safety and health risks which occurred at the building site during the course of the individual works
The coordinator of BOZP shall check  the method of securing the area of the building site, including the access to the building site with the goal to prevent  the entry of unauthorized individuals
The coordinator of BOZP shall monitor whether the contractors comply with the Plan of BOZP, and on the basis of the new facts identified at the site meetings on the compliance with the Plan of BOZP he shall update the latter
 Liabilities of the principals of constructions

Pursuant to the requirements of Law 309/2006 Coll. on providing of other conditions of the safety and protection of health at work, the principal of the construction shall be obliged to arrange the coordinator of BOZP on executing the construction and to bind all contractors to the cooperation with the coordinator of BOZP.
Preparatory stage of the construction
The principal of the construction shall be obliged to arrange on the preparatory stage of the construction the coordinator  of BOZP and preparing the Plan of BOZP for constructions where works with increased risk as per the Directive of the Government 591/2006 Coll. will be performed during the course of the construction, or where the extent of the construction in accordance with § 15 of Law 309/2006 Coll, is satisfied.
Stage of the execution of the construction
The principal of the construction shall be obliged to arrange the coordinator of BOZP for the stage of the execution for such constructions where two and more contractors are active who obtained the Building Permit after January 1, 2007,  and for which the following limits of the volume of the constructions are exceeded:

for which the total estimated period of the duration of the works and activities is longer than 30 working days, on which more than 20 individuals will be working at site at a time for a period longer than 1 day

for which the total planned amount of works and activities during the execution of the work exceeds 500 working hours upon a conversion to one individual

 Coordinator of BOZP and Designer

Pursuant to the requirements of Law 309/2006 Coll. on the providing of other conditions of the safety and protection of health at work, the principal of the construction shall be obliged to arrange the coordinator of BOZP and to bind the designer to the cooperation with the coordinator of BOZP.
In practice, typically the principal of the construction leaves the choice of the coordinator of BOZP for the preparatory stage to the designer who shall bind himself to supply the complete design documentation, including the Plan of BOZP.

The designer shall be bound by the regulation 499/2006 Coll. on the documentation of constructions, which stipulates that the Plan of BOZP shall be part of the section „E“ of the design documentation to the Building Permit or Notification of the Construction if so required by the construction's extent and conditions.
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